LSK1014 (Business Building); Saturdays 09:30-12:20, Spring Term, 2016

Textbook: Srednicki.

Plan: Most of scalar, and minimal spinor/vector to cover QED.

Lecturenotes: [Here] ( Welcome to ask questions by directly typing on it.

Videos (ITSC login required): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12


Assignment 1: Problem 3.5 (complex scalar field)

Assignment 2: Problem 11.4 (tree level scattering amplitude)

Assignment 3: Problem 14.6 (renormalization of complex scalar)

Assignment 4: Write down the amplitude $i \mathcal{T}$ for Figure 51.4, in the theory defined in Eq. (45.1)

Assignment 5: Calculate the terms in $\frac{1}{4}\sum_{s_1,s_2,\lambda’_1,\lambda’_2}|\mathcal T|^2$ which contains $\frac{1}{(m^2-t)(m^2-u)}$ for the process in Figure 59.1.

  • Draw (copy) Feynmann Diagrams
  • Write down the expression of $i\mathcal{T}$
  • Write down the expression of $\frac{1}{4}\sum_{s_1,s_2,\lambda’_1,\lambda’_2}|\mathcal T|^2$
  • Calculate the polarization sum explicitly
  • Calculate the trace for the term containing $\frac{1}{(m^2-t)(m^2-u)}$